Outdoor Marquees and What’s Available

| Posted on: January 27, 2022

Marquees are an excellent solution for both private individuals and businesses to expand their capacity for hosting groups for events. Marquees are often referred to as party tents, and while this is the case, they can also be used in a wide range of situations. They can be used for conventions, conferences, parties, and for long-term outdoor areas. They can be used by businesses in order to provide space for events, or even by pubs to expand their ability to provide outdoor services. While marquees are available for purchase, going through a marquee hire services offers a number of incredible advantages, firstly because setting up and taking down marquees is laborious, but secondly because they are expensive and difficult to maintain. This article will explain the varying advantages of their use and in what sort of situations they should be your first point of call.

Marquees come in all shapes and sizes, and can be designed to fit the needs of any given situation. It is relatively easy to purchase a marquee of a small size yourself; just large enough for a homeowner to develop an outdoor entertaining area. A marquee hire in Northampton can be organised for a homeowner planning a large barbecue, as it will allow them to shelter from rain while also providing sufficient ventilation to cook food on a grill. While you can purchase your own marquee, the significant limitation to this option is the propensity for the marquee material to get dirty due to weathering. Private marquee suppliers who often rent out these feature points for events have specialised equipment that they use to maintain the quality of the materials, so that they always have a good appearance. If you own your own marquee, for the most part you will not be able to conduct routine maintenance of anywhere near the same standard, and as a result it will become progressively grimier over time.

Another group that are an increasingly large part of the target market for marquee hire in Northampton businesses is the hospitality industry. Throughout the covid pandemic, varying levels of governmental restrictions have limited the ability of businesses like restaurants and pubs to cater to their patrons, as the risk of spread is much higher within enclosed spaces. A marquee presents a wonderful middle ground, where patrons can be largely sheltered from rain, but they still have the advantage of being in a highly ventilated, outdoor space that can still perform many of the same functions that their businesses were performing pre-covid. Marquees can also be retrofitted with makeshift chimneys so that smoke and steam can escape more easily, which enables many businesses to go with a marquee hire in Northampton in order to prepare food outside as well.

Marquees are a very common solution for people to use as a venue for wedding receptions. Because they can provide shelter, they are an excellent way to take advantage of cheap available space, rather than paying to rent out expensive venues. In this sense, marquee hires are an excellent cost saving venture. The nature of marquees is also that their size can also be adjusted with relative ease, which means that if a guest list has expanded or retracted since they were initially organised for the reception, the size of the marquee can be easily adjusted to meet your needs.